Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights University of Ottawa (SPHR) is a student run, non-profit organization that advocates on a strong social justice platform to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people in the face of human rights violations and all forms of racism, discrimination, misinformation and misrepresentation.

June 21, 2009

Dr. Uri Davis Canadian Tour Organized by CJPME

The following event is being organized by Canadians for Justice and
Peace in the Middle East (CJPME).

Does the JNF deserve tax-exempt status in Canada? Hear Dr. Davis'
compelling arguments against the JNF privileged status in many
Western countries.

In Canadian cities this week, CJPME is hosting Dr. Uri Davis, author and
lecturer on Canadian tour. Dr. Davis' lecture, entitled: Apartheid Israel:
Possibilities for the Struggle Within
is based on his book by the same
title. Mr. Davis will talk about the one-state and two-state options for
Israel-Palestine. Dr. Davis describes himself as an anti-Zionist
Palestinian-Hebrew citizen of the Apartheid State of Israel. Join
us for a surprising and refreshing perspective on the challenges facing
Israelis and Palestinians today.

Ottawa: Friday, June 26th, 7:00 p.m.
Saint Paul University - Amphitheatre, 223 Main Street
Admission is $10 to cover tour costs.

Dr. Uri Davis, has devoted his academic work since 1975 to a critical
examination of the philosophy and practice of political Zionism. His
most well-known books include:
* Israel: An Apartheid State;
* The Jewish National Fund;
* Citizenship and the State: A Comparative Study of Citizenship
Legislation in Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon;
* Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within
Uri Davis has been active in the field of defending human rights in
general, and the rights of the Palestinian people in particular since
1965. He is the chairperson of AL-BEIT: Association for the Defense
of Human Rights in Israel; senior director for legal and political affairs
of Mosaic Communities: Association for Multinational Housing in Israel;
Honorary Research Fellow at the Universities of Exeter and Durham in
the UK; and Observer-Member of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

Note: Only the Ottawa date and locations have been posted. For
more information or dates and locations of the London, Toronto, and
Montreal lectures, please visit CJPME's website at

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